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Tips & tricks
There has been no real significant change in the technical structure of BTC since the last report. BTC is still trading inside the rising channel structure which is providing us bulls with some hope of a continuation to the upside. However, there are a number of fundamental risks that you should be aware of. Bitcoin...
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This paper was written to provide an entry level understanding of blockchain projects and cryptocurrency. Beginners to cryptocurrency may find it difficult to understand where a digital asset derives its value from. However, by understanding the key properties of digital assets including decentralisation and encryption, and making clear comparisons to the current centralised monetary system,...
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iPad Air displaying cryptocurrency trading app with charts and data for a Crypto Miner
Stop missing out on trading opportunities Learn the fundamentals of trading and save yourself thousands Are you frustrated by always missing out on the best time to sell your coins? Are you constantly selling your coins then watching the market boom a week later? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one, but that doesn’t mean...
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